Denture repair for the most part is a stop gap procedures when a denture breaks. Our Highlands Ranch dentists repaired an upper denture that is currently being used in the short term until a metal framework partial denture can be fabricated. Our Denver area dental practice serves the Lone Tree, Castle Pines, Centennial, Greenwood Village,Parker, Ken Caryl, and Englewood areas of Colorado.
to view our dental practice video click the following link Dentist Highlands Ranch
"Older" denture plastic does not repair well
Older denture plastic does not bond well to new acrylic used to repair a denture. Highlands Ranch dentists Dr. Sarah Parsons and Dr. H. Candace DeLapp used new acrylic and "try" to get some type of bonding with the older acrylic or plastic. In addition, we placed orthodontic wire in an "attempt" to strengthen the repair. The goal in this situation is to "buy" time until a more definitive or durable (and more expensive) solution can be found In this case the patient is contemplating dental implants. Dental implants work well in many but not all cases. The "key" for dental implants is the amount and quality of bone at an implant site.
Practicing what they teach
Both Dr. DeLapp and Parsons teach at the University of Colorado School of Dental Medicine. Dr. Candace DeLapp has taught Removable Prostodontics which includes dentures and partial dentures. At this time both are teaching in the operative dentistry course which includes dental fillings.
Call our Highlands Ranch dentist today for an appointment.
Please feel free to call our office today and make an appointment at (303) 694-9740. If you prefer to send an e-mail to the Dr. DeLap or Parsons please click the following link Dentists Highlands Ranch
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