Continuous Compressions Improves CPR
According to a new study when by-standers perform continuous chest compression without mouth-to-mouth breathing the chance of surviving a cardiac arrest outside the hospital was found to be twice as high compared to when bystanders performed standard CPR (with rescue breathing). Highlands Ranch dentist Dr. James DeLapp has been a CPR instructor for over 25 years and instructs dental offices in its use. His dental office serves the Greater Denver area including Lone Tree, Castle Pines, Centennial, Parker, Ken Caryl, Aurora, and Parker Colorado.
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Who completed this study?
This study was conducted by the Resuscitation Research Group and the University of Arizona Sarver Heart Center and the SHARE Program a the Arizona Department of Health Services. It should be emphasised that at the time of this writing it is not the protocol advocated by the American Heart Association. The key in this study "may" be the term by-standers who are only marginally trained in ventillation.
Early defibrillation may be the key to survival
Most other studies indicate that early defibrillation increases you chances of survival if you have cardiac arrest. Many by-standers are more comfortable just doing chest compressions rather than giving rescue breaths. Calling 911 obviously is one the the keys to survival for the adult cardiac arrest patient.
Highlands Ranch Dentist a CPR Instructor
Teaching CPR on a readily frequent basis prepares Dr. James DeLapp to deal with emergencies both in and out of the dental office. Dentistry does involve the use of certain drugs and stressful situation that knowledge of CPR is essential. Our Highlands Ranch dentist has many different ways of reducing stress of dental procedures.
Nitrous oxide is used to reduce the stress of Dental appointments
The use of nitrous oxide helps to reduce the stress of dental appointments. If fact a combination of nitrous oxide and oxygen is used the the treatment of heart attack victims to increase oxygenation and reduce pain.
Call today for an appointment today
Please feel free to call and make an appointment today at (303) 694-9740. If you would like to send Dr. DeLapp an e-mail please click the following link Dentist Highlands Ranch
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