Diet in dental decay (cavities)
Dental cavities simply does no occur when there is not a sugar source (fermentable carbohydrates) in the diet. Because of this... dental decay has been termed a "diet-bacterial disease". Essentially the sugar sources are the fuel than fans the flame of dental decay. If you eliminate sugars and carbohydrates from the diet you cut off the fuel source. Sugar the simplest form of carbohydrate is the most efficient fuel for cavities i.e. it is evil. Highlands Ranch dentists Dr. James DeLapp and Dr. H. Candace DeLapp work with their patients to help reduce the fuel needed to cause cavities.
Research of surgar in Dental Cavities
The role of sugar has been a subject of great interest in the past 50 years. Specifically Sucrose (table sugar) is unique in its role a a "substrate for glycosyltransferases in the syntheisis of extracellular glucan". What that scientific mumbo jumbo essentially says is... table sugar is mostly responsible for the progression of dental decay and the plaque that forms.
Timing of sugar exposure
The frequency of sugar exposure is of significance in the formation of dental cavities. The more ofter the exposure to the sugar source the more likely the decay is to progress. That is why dentist recommend limiting between meal snack with high sugar.
Stickiness of the sugar source
In addition the stickiness of the sugar source is significant in the production of dental decay. Sticky sugars like fruit roll ups etc sit on your tooth like napalm and decay your tooth. Liquid sugars like soda while not optimum are easily rinsed off your tooth removing the source of fuel for the cavities.
Call today
Please feel free to contact our Highlands Ranch dentist and make an appointment today at (303) 694-9740.
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