Typically dental insurance companies only reimburse patients for two cleaning per year and... "if" they have some type of gum disease that has been treated with deep cleanings ( root plaining). Our Highlands Ranch dentist feel it is a shame to let this happen in order to be reimbursed.
More than two dental cleaning per year Dentist Highlands Ranch
Unfortunately, you may need to have more than two dental cleanings per year to stay ahead of gum disease. Not everyone is at the same risk for gum disease and more frequent dental cleaning can reduce (not eliminate) this risk. Our Highlands Ranch dentists have found some patient develop dental calculus in what seems to be overnight. Other patient can take a full 6-months and get very little deposits. As you have heard before... life is not fair... and ...it is what it is.
Home care obviously is the key to your dental health Dentist Highlands Ranch
Dental care consisting of brushing, flossing, fluoride and diet control are the best preventive measures you can take. Diet control revolves around reducing the simple sugars you intake daily. This includes candy and sodas.
Add "Listerine" to your home care regimen
Adding Listerine to your home care regimens can significantly improve your overall dental health. Listerine work effectively to reduce the bacterial count in your mouth. Reducing the levels of bacterial that causes gum disease (periodontal disease) and cavities improves your overall dental health.
Call today our Highlands Ranch dentist today!
Please feel free to contact our Highlands Ranch dentist today at (303) 694-9740.
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Matt and Scott of US Web Central for their help with our dental Blogs and websites. The can be reached by clicking on the following link Denver SEO