Color challenges on front teeth Dentist Highlands Ranch
Matching the color of your front teeth at first appears to be no big issue. You may think... how may colors of white could there be? Our Highlands Ranch dentist can tell you from experience the answer is many. Not only is color an issue but also the texture and value (brightness) of the tooth comes into play. Our Highlands Ranch and Denver dentist work to make the color of your front tooth as close as we can by using the above listed principles.
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Dentist Highlands Ranch
Color of teeth Dentist Highlands Ranch
Color of teeth are white and... either yellow, gray, or brown based. Typical dental shade guides divide the tooth colors into these basic group. The difficulty comes when your tooth is a combination of the above colors. Extended range shade guides help with this problem but is only one of the many answers.
Value of brightness of the teeth
The value or brightness of a tooth "may" be more important that the overall color selection of a tooth. Picking a high value restorative material on a tooth with low value looks like you have placed a Chiclets next to your tooth. Lowering or raising the value on a dental restoration might be the most effective solution to matching your filling to your tooth.

Opacity of translucency of teeth
Our Highlands Ranch dentist feels the most misunderstood element in dental filling is the translucency of the tooth. Translucency make light pass through the tooth and the overall effect is to decrease value or brightness of the tooth. Some dental filling manufactures list the translucent shades as enamel shades. This can result in placing a low value translucent filling on a tooth thinking it is replacing the enamel when the tooth has no translucency. The net result of this is a gray looking dental filling
Consider whitening your teeth before white dental fillings
As we age our teeth pick up stains that teeth whitening can correct. Sometimes we need to whiten because the color of our teeth are outside the colors provided by dental manufacturers. Sometimes the only solution to color issues are dental veneers which will be discussed later. Bottom line is... consider bleaching your teeth first.
Please feel free to contact our Highlands Ranch and Denver dentist at (303) 694-9740 for an appointment today.
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